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Confidentiality and Follow-Up Support at Samaritans

Confidentiality of Calls

Anonymity and Confidentiality

When contacting Samaritans by phone, calls are completely anonymous:

  • At the branch level, Samaritans cannot trace or identify incoming calls.
  • Call details do not appear on phone bills, ensuring privacy.
  • This anonymity allows callers to feel secure and comfortable seeking support.

Follow-Up Support

Providing Continued Support

Samaritans offers follow-up calls for ongoing support:

  • For example, after a medical appointment causing anxiety, Samaritans can arrange follow-up calls.
  • Volunteers initiate conversations to check on the caller's well-being and offer emotional support.
  • Follow-up calls can be scheduled based on the caller's needs and preferences.
  • Support continues until the caller feels less anxious or chooses less frequent contact.

Callers are assured that Samaritans is available whenever needed, providing a compassionate listening ear.