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Signs of Mental Ill Health: Recognising Changes in Behaviour

Signs to Look Out For

Mental ill health problems can manifest in various signs:

  • Changes in behaviour that seem out of the ordinary
  • Altered work performance or approach to tasks
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Extreme reactions or heightened emotional responses
  • Visible coping mechanisms like increased drinking or eating habits

If you know the person well, you might notice:

  • They are not themselves and behaving differently
  • They are avoiding social interactions or seem hesitant to open up
  • They exhibit signs of addiction or unusual stress coping behaviours

Observations in Different Settings

At work:

  • Arriving late or being frequently distracted
  • Making uncharacteristic mistakes

With friends:

  • Reduced interest in socializing or reluctance to engage
  • Moments of almost confiding followed by withdrawal

With family:

  • Evident changes in behaviour that are noticeable due to familiarity

With less familiar individuals, it may take longer to recognise these signs, but eventually, you might notice something isn't right. If you notice these changes in yourself, it's important to acknowledge them as potential indicators of mental health issues and seek help.