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Recognising Signs of Workplace Stress

Types of Workplace Stress

Workplace stress can manifest in various ways:

  • Stress from Workplace Conditions: Includes changes in job location, new management, bullying, or pressure from colleagues.
  • Personal Stress Impacting Work: Issues from personal life affecting work performance, such as concentration difficulties or increased absenteeism.

Identifying Unhealthy Levels of Stress

Recognising when stress levels become problematic is crucial:

  • Observe changes in behaviour and performance at work, such as reduced productivity or social withdrawal.
  • Notice physical and emotional signs like tearfulness, unusual reactions, or reluctance to engage socially.
  • Take note of feedback during appraisals or discussions that indicate noticeable changes in behaviour or performance.

Supporting Individuals with Stress

Offering support to colleagues showing signs of stress can make a significant difference:

  • Encourage open communication to discuss their challenges and provide assistance.
  • Suggest seeking professional help or counselling if stress is significantly impacting their well-being.
  • Promote a supportive workplace culture where stress management is prioritised and stigma is reduced.