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Supporting Absent Employees with Mental Health: Best Practices

Keeping Contact and Supportive Communication

During an employee's absence due to mental illness:

  • Keep in regular contact via email or phone as part of a return to work initiative.
  • Ensure contacts are genuine and supportive, not merely token gestures.
  • Ask about their well-being and update them on relevant work-related changes.

Planning and Facilitating Return to Work

Preparing for an employee's return:

  • Consider the type and level of mental illness and their rehabilitation plan.
  • Plan a phased return to work to accommodate individual needs and challenges.
  • Address barriers like embarrassment or fear of returning to work environment.
  • Avoid rushing the return process to ensure readiness and wellness.

Support Systems and Confidentiality

Establishing supportive systems and confidentiality:

  • Implement a support process and phased return model.
  • Regularly review and adjust support measures to promote mental health.
  • Conduct risk assessments as needed before the employee returns to work.
  • Maintain confidentiality; disclose information only with employee's consent.