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Supporting Employees Returning to Work After Mental Health Issues

Understanding Employee Needs

How should you support someone returning to work after mental health issues?

It's crucial to understand their specific needs:

  • Discuss with them to identify what support they require.
  • Consider options such as phased return hours, altered workdays, or workplace support.
  • Regular contact with HR or a designated person may be beneficial.
  • Accommodate time off for medical appointments or therapy sessions.

Employee Involvement in the Process

Should the employee be involved in decision-making?

Absolutely, they should be actively involved:

  • Empower them to participate in decisions about their return.
  • Ensure the process is collaborative and meets their needs.

Practical Steps for Easing the Return

What can employees do to facilitate their return to work?

Employees can:

  • Consider practical adjustments that work for both parties.
  • Explore options like flexible working hours or remote work arrangements.
  • Discuss alternative work environments or teams if beneficial.
  • Utilise phased rehabilitation hours to ease back into work.
  • Allocate time for necessary appointments and check-ins with HR or managers.