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Supporting Employees with Mental Health Concerns

Approaching Employees About Mental Health

Employees and managers often notice changes indicating mental health issues:

  • Approach the employee at an appropriate time when they feel comfortable.
  • Choose a quiet, private location to ensure confidentiality and full attention.
  • Avoid starting conversations in public areas where it could be overheard.

Communicating Effectively

Effective communication is key:

  • Be mindful of body language to convey openness and respect.
  • Ask simple, open-ended questions and listen actively without interrupting.
  • Avoid making assumptions, comparisons, or attempting to diagnose.
  • Reassure them that the discussion will remain confidential.

Providing Support and Reassurance

Ensure the employee feels supported:

  • Offer assistance with their work responsibilities if needed.
  • Let them express themselves freely and refrain from rushing the conversation.
  • Respect their need to speak uninterrupted and avoid distractions.

Summarising and Offering Suggestions

Conclude the discussion positively:

  • Paraphrase and summarize their concerns to demonstrate understanding.
  • Ask if they would like suggestions or advice, respecting their autonomy.
  • Reflect back on what they've said to clarify and ensure mutual understanding.

Supporting an employee through active listening can be more effective than providing immediate solutions.